Forum Guide
Welcome, all, to the official forums guide. In this article, we cover a lot of the features which we have in our forums, including customisation of your account and the sections of the forums.
1. Sections of forums/subforums + their uses
2. Account details + customisation
3. Posting
4. Others
NEWS: Here is your centre-point for all Java and Bedrock Edition updates we release, whether it is a sale, or a whole gamemode.
OFFICIAL RULES: These are the rules. All players must abide by these rules and are automatically bound to these terms of service, whether you have read them or not. This is to keep the server a child-friendly, attractive community for everyone. If you find anyone breaking these rules, please report them: You can also check our rules at
CREATIONS: Post your YouTube videos, code, artwork, maps, and other creative projects here! Note: Uploading any content that is not CubeCraft related may get your thread deleted.
EVENTS AND COMPETITIONS: Here you can find all the threads about our awesome official competitions and community games!
THE LOBBY: Memes, dreams, world records and other things! Post about anything that does not fit into other forum categories here!
INTRODUCTIONS: You want to get some community members to notice you? Make a good first impression, and put your own introduction here! Talk about your hobbies, interests and more.
FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS: Ever had that one idea that is stuck in your head that you know would make an amazing game? Or a little vanity item that would add some pizazz to the server? Here is the place to suggest that! Our community and Team CubeCraft will give their opinions on it, to help you morph your game into a work of art!
GAME DISCUSSIONS: Looking to talk about your favourite gamemode? Wanting tips, tricks, and knowledge from other players, or a place to post one of your newest YouTube videos/clips? This is the place to do it! All of our gamemodes have their own individual section for our community to post about them!
REPORTING TUTORIALS AND GUIDELINES: Read these threads here before reporting to have any information that can assist you, or any notices you have missed out on.
REPORT A BEDROCK PLAYER OR BUG: Click here to report a Bedrock player!
REPORT A PLAYER: Click here to go to the report website to report a Java player!
APPEALS: This takes you to our appeals website: .
TEAM FEEDBACK: Believe a team member is abusing their permissions or want to make a complaint? Provide evidence and make a thread in here.
In here, we will talk about how you can customise your account to your needs to make it as snazzy as you wish!

NEWS FEED: Follow the people you follow's activity here, including likes and profile posts!
REACTIONS RECEIVED: Look at posts liked by your peers here.
YOUR CONTENT: Look at all the things you have posted on the forums.
ACCOUNT DETAILS: Change your username, email, avatar, biography, other personal information, and social media links here.
SIGNATURE: This is a place where you will be able to sign off posts automatically. With the use of BBCode, you can customise your signature to have different colours, sized letters, and more!
PASSWORD AND SECURITY: Change your password and enable Two-step verification here.
CONNECTED ACCOUNTS: View your connected accounts and link accounts.
FOLLOWING: Look at the people you follow.
PRIVACY: This is where you are able to change your privacy settings such as online privacy, date of birth privacy, who is able to view your profile, and who is able to send you conversations.
PEOPLE YOU IGNORE: There is a feature on Xenforo which allows you to ignore someone, and blocks any activity that they do on the forums for your leisure -- they will be viewed in this section. This feature is disabled for a team member, in case they say something important.
Posting on the Forums:
Congratulations! You have set up your account to how you want, now to get yourself into the community, you need to start posting.
To post a message, you simply need to find yourself a thread to send a message to. Browse through our many forums here. Look through our many subforums, find a thread to post on, and post something as long as it is relevant to the thread!
Please note that any posts that are irrelevant to the topic at hand will be removed, and you will be warned, both verbally and systematically. If continued, you will be banned off of the forums. Team members will make the final decision on this.
UPLOADING A FILE: When you want to upload a file to the forums, click "Attach files" next to "Preview". It should open your file directory, where you find the file you want to upload (videos CANNOT be uploaded). You will be given an option to upload the file as a thumbnail or full image. If you select thumbnail, users will need to click the file to view it. Click the "Preview" button to look at your masterpiece before posting. Have fun!

Trophies are a long-term goal that are set for new members to get imbedded into the community. You can view all available trophies here. You can also view how many trophy points you have via your profile:

The more trophies you earn, you can unlock new forum ranks to show how active and engaging you are on our forums. These include:
Novice member: 30
Well-Known member: 75
Dedicated member: 150
Forum expert: 250
Forum veteran: 400
Forum professional: 550
Forum legend: 704
Forum god: 743
MEMBER LIST: This page shows the leaderboards for most messages, reactions, points, and featured content. You can also view member birthdays and a list of team members. You can access the page here:
TEAM ONLINE: If you want to quickly locate a team member for a small question, go to the home page, and look on the right side of your screen (or at the bottom of the page on phones). You will see all the current team members who are online and happy to help! You can also view a general list of Team CubeCraft here.

Please ask questions to either a Mod or a Helper; other team members - such as devs and designers - might ignore you, as helping players is not their task.
1. Sections of forums/subforums + their uses
2. Account details + customisation
3. Posting
4. Others
1. Sections of the forums
CubeCraft Official
NEWS: Here is your centre-point for all Java and Bedrock Edition updates we release, whether it is a sale, or a whole gamemode.
OFFICIAL RULES: These are the rules. All players must abide by these rules and are automatically bound to these terms of service, whether you have read them or not. This is to keep the server a child-friendly, attractive community for everyone. If you find anyone breaking these rules, please report them: You can also check our rules at
CubeCraft Community
CREATIONS: Post your YouTube videos, code, artwork, maps, and other creative projects here! Note: Uploading any content that is not CubeCraft related may get your thread deleted.
EVENTS AND COMPETITIONS: Here you can find all the threads about our awesome official competitions and community games!
THE LOBBY: Memes, dreams, world records and other things! Post about anything that does not fit into other forum categories here!
INTRODUCTIONS: You want to get some community members to notice you? Make a good first impression, and put your own introduction here! Talk about your hobbies, interests and more.
FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS: Ever had that one idea that is stuck in your head that you know would make an amazing game? Or a little vanity item that would add some pizazz to the server? Here is the place to suggest that! Our community and Team CubeCraft will give their opinions on it, to help you morph your game into a work of art!
GAME DISCUSSIONS: Looking to talk about your favourite gamemode? Wanting tips, tricks, and knowledge from other players, or a place to post one of your newest YouTube videos/clips? This is the place to do it! All of our gamemodes have their own individual section for our community to post about them!
Report Department
REPORTING TUTORIALS AND GUIDELINES: Read these threads here before reporting to have any information that can assist you, or any notices you have missed out on.
REPORT A BEDROCK PLAYER OR BUG: Click here to report a Bedrock player!
REPORT A PLAYER: Click here to go to the report website to report a Java player!
APPEALS: This takes you to our appeals website: .
TEAM FEEDBACK: Believe a team member is abusing their permissions or want to make a complaint? Provide evidence and make a thread in here.
2. Account Customisation:
In here, we will talk about how you can customise your account to your needs to make it as snazzy as you wish!

NEWS FEED: Follow the people you follow's activity here, including likes and profile posts!
REACTIONS RECEIVED: Look at posts liked by your peers here.
YOUR CONTENT: Look at all the things you have posted on the forums.
ACCOUNT DETAILS: Change your username, email, avatar, biography, other personal information, and social media links here.
SIGNATURE: This is a place where you will be able to sign off posts automatically. With the use of BBCode, you can customise your signature to have different colours, sized letters, and more!
PASSWORD AND SECURITY: Change your password and enable Two-step verification here.
CONNECTED ACCOUNTS: View your connected accounts and link accounts.
FOLLOWING: Look at the people you follow.
PRIVACY: This is where you are able to change your privacy settings such as online privacy, date of birth privacy, who is able to view your profile, and who is able to send you conversations.
PEOPLE YOU IGNORE: There is a feature on Xenforo which allows you to ignore someone, and blocks any activity that they do on the forums for your leisure -- they will be viewed in this section. This feature is disabled for a team member, in case they say something important.
3. Posting on the Forums:
Posting on the Forums:
Congratulations! You have set up your account to how you want, now to get yourself into the community, you need to start posting.
To post a message, you simply need to find yourself a thread to send a message to. Browse through our many forums here. Look through our many subforums, find a thread to post on, and post something as long as it is relevant to the thread!
Please note that any posts that are irrelevant to the topic at hand will be removed, and you will be warned, both verbally and systematically. If continued, you will be banned off of the forums. Team members will make the final decision on this.
UPLOADING A FILE: When you want to upload a file to the forums, click "Attach files" next to "Preview". It should open your file directory, where you find the file you want to upload (videos CANNOT be uploaded). You will be given an option to upload the file as a thumbnail or full image. If you select thumbnail, users will need to click the file to view it. Click the "Preview" button to look at your masterpiece before posting. Have fun!

4. Trophies
Trophies are a long-term goal that are set for new members to get imbedded into the community. You can view all available trophies here. You can also view how many trophy points you have via your profile:

The more trophies you earn, you can unlock new forum ranks to show how active and engaging you are on our forums. These include:
Novice member: 30
Well-Known member: 75
Dedicated member: 150
Forum expert: 250
Forum veteran: 400
Forum professional: 550
Forum legend: 704
Forum god: 743
5. Others
MEMBER LIST: This page shows the leaderboards for most messages, reactions, points, and featured content. You can also view member birthdays and a list of team members. You can access the page here:
TEAM ONLINE: If you want to quickly locate a team member for a small question, go to the home page, and look on the right side of your screen (or at the bottom of the page on phones). You will see all the current team members who are online and happy to help! You can also view a general list of Team CubeCraft here.

Please ask questions to either a Mod or a Helper; other team members - such as devs and designers - might ignore you, as helping players is not their task.
Updated on: 04/09/2024
Thank you!